

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I know Joshua is real but sometimes I wonder...

Yesterday my precious son turned 3-months-old. He has hit a milestone in his life; Joshua has gone from being called a newborn to being called an infant. Time sure has flown by for Jason and me, and we have enjoyed every precious moment with our son! However, I must confess something though about parenting Joshua. Joshua has been so easy that sometimes it doesn't even seem like we have a baby. What do I mean by this? Well, let me share with you about the first 3-months of Joshua's life...

1. The hardest part of Joshua's life thus far has been his delivery. As most of you know, I was in labor for 36 hours with Joshua, and Jason and I only had a total of 3 hours (not an exaggeration) of sleep in a 48 hour period. At the end of all the intense labor the doctors decided that it was time for me to have a c-section. I was pretty bummed about this-especially since I made it to 9 centimeters dilated. Then, I had to wait for 2 hours to have an epidural. That part was very challenging, but I had wonderful people (my mom, my husband and my mother-in-law) coaching and praying me through the whole labor and delivery process. I couldn't have made it to the end without them. Once the doctors came to start the whole process with me, I started crying, because I felt like a total failure not being able to have Joshua normally. My mom and husband reassured me that I wasn't so, I had them wheel me off to the delivery room. Then (no joke) I was in an out of the delivery room within the hour, however, I still had to be in the recovery room for about an hour. This part was so hard for me because I'll I wanted to do was hold my son and be with my husband. However, in the end of it all, I wouldn't take back the most precious part of it all; hearing Joshua cry for the first time, and watching my husband carry him over to meet me for the first time. Then and there I cried, because I realized that the Lord blessed me with a wonderful husband and a precious son! What more could a girl ask for? I am a blessed woman! Please know that the rest of my hospital stay was wonderful. I didn't have to make meals, I had a lot of guests come visit me and my family in the hospital (that was nice), my nurses were great (except for one), I didn't have to clean my home, and I had some beautiful moments with my mom, husband and other family members. Though things didn't turn out the way I wanted them to, in the end, I still praised the Lord for blessing me with a healthy baby and wonderful family and friends!

2. The first month of Joshua's life was packed with lots of traveling. The first week of his life we went to Champaign, Illinois to have Christmas with the Allison side of the family! Joshua slept most of the drive up and down. I don't think he cried once. When we arrived in Champaign Joshua spent most of his time with the Allison family sleeping in some family members arms! It was nice to have so many people wanting to help. After our visit with the Allison family, we spent some time with my family! That was nice too! We had lots of people willing to help with Joshua their as well :)! The last three weeks of his first month were spent sleeping a lot! Joshua and mommy both did a lot of sleeping. The first month of Joshua's life we did a lot of co-sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's bed, and we also let Joshua sleep in his bassinet several times as well. It just depended on what kind of day it was, and if Jason and I needed sleep that night. Joshua and I always co-slept during nap time though, and I wouldn't trade those moments for anything! Mommy also spent the first month figuring out Joshua's schedule. His schedule was as follows: he would sleep 1.5 hours (5-6 naps), nurse 20 minutes (8-9 times), have to get his diaper changed 6-7 times a day, and then he would go down for the night at 10:00 pm. He usually slept until 2:00 am. Joshua was very content the first month of his life. He only cried when he was hungry, tired or needed a diaper changed. He didn't spit up ever, and he rarely burped. Overall, the first month of his life was absolutely wonderful!

3. The second month of his life was just as fun. He only cried when he was tired, hungry, in pain or in need of a diaper change. I started introducing pacifiers and bottles to Joshua this month. Joshua had no problem taking bottles or pacifiers. This made mommy glad, because it allowed me to leave Joshua home with daddy so that I could go out and have some girl time! This month had some sad moments, too! Mommy scratched Joshua on his forehead (he cried), he had to get some shots (he cried. I did, too), mommy cut his fingernail to short (he cried), and mommy bumped his head on the freezer door (he cried). I know what you're thinking-How could a mom hurt her precious son? Well, let me tell you something-I didn't mean to hurt him at all, and I cried too! Please know that I love my son so much that it hurts me when he is hurting and in pain. Also, since having a son I have realized something so much more than I have ever noticed before-God's grace is so wonderful and beautiful! I mean-could you imagine watching your son suffer on the cross for the sins of the world? I couldn't, but our Heavenly Father had too in order to save His people! Wow! What a God we serve. Thank you Jesus for suffering on the Cross.

Though there were sad moments this month of his life, Joshua, overall, had a great second month. He didn't get sick once, he only had three spit ups (very little spit ups I might add), he was still very much on a schedule, he started cooing and babbling (love it when he talks), and he found his first two fingers to suck on throughout the day! He is most definitely a first two finger sucker :)! He doesn't hate his pacifier, but he much prefers his first two fingers it seems. In addition to all of these new and exciting things developing in Joshua's life, his mommy and daddy moved him to Houston, Texas! If you won't to read about how our move is going so far, then feel free to read my note called: "So this is what its like moving to Texas?" In that note I share about all of our experiences in Texas thus far....

4. Now that I have everyone caught up with the life of Joshua here are some random fun facts about Joshua:

-He only cries when he is tired, hungry, hurting or needs a diaper changed. When he cries he is easy to comfort back to being happy! It usually only takes 2 minutes to get him to stop crying.

-He takes a bottle with no problem at all!

-He went to his first Houston Rockets Basketball game ever yesterday, March 17th. They won, too! Joshua also slept during half time and the first 8 minutes of the third quarter. I was surprised he did, too! It was so loud in the auditorium I don't think I could've slept during the game.

-He is now trying to do sit-ups on his own! Its fun to watch him do it!

-He sleeps in his crib now away from mommy and daddy.

-He is spitting now, too! Its funny to watch him!

-He loves sitting in his Blue Bumbo seat!

-He has my hair color! I even think he is starting to look more like me! I do realize this could all change in a few months as well, but I am enjoying the moments while they are here!

-He is a very talkative baby! I think he gets that from me!

-He is trying to roll over from his back to his stomach.

-I think he might start crawling like my sister, Megan, did-backwards!

-His lip quivers when he sucks on his pacifier. Its pretty funny to watch!

-Last fact for now...He loves getting kisses and giving kisses!

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy!

P.S. I love being a mommy!

Love Y'all!